published in Journal of Banking & Finance, June 2024, the paper is available on ssrn with the following link.
WIPO: World Intangible Investment Highlights
Co-published annually by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in partnership with the Luiss Business School (LBS), the World Intangible Investment Highlights reveal that intangible investments grew at three times the rate of tangible investments between 2008–2023, proving resilient despite economic uncertainty and tighter monetary conditions.
EBVM – New Issue Summer 2024 is out
Content: Beta, Tax PPA, Beta and transaction multiple data, News
Unbiased Beta Despite Biased Data: Some Elementary Results
Prof. Dr. Leonhard Knoll / Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Lutz Kruschwitz / Prof. Dr. Dr. Andreas Löffler / Prof. Dr. Daniela Lorenz
Tax Purchase Price Allocations in Carve-Out Transactions
Dr. Moritz Bassemir
Data: Industry Betas and Multiples (for Eurozone Companies)
Dr. Martin H. Schmidt | Dr. Andreas Tschöpel, CVA/CEFA/CIIA
Data: Transaction Multiples for Europe
Prof. Dr. Stefan O. Grbenic, StB, CVA
News from IVSC
News from EACVA
IVSC Members Introduce Themselves:
The NiRV (Dutch Association of Registered Valuators)
Download the current issue and further information on the European Business Valuation Magazine here.
CFA Institute: Did Inflation Kill the CAPM? by Pim van Vliet
Foto von Frederick Warren auf Unsplash
An interesting analysis of the relationship between inflation and investment returns is provided by Pim van Vliet, PhD
Inspection of tangible assets in the valuation process by IVSC
The IVSC has released a new Perspectives Paper on the topic of tangible asset inspection in the valuation process. The paper examines the subject of valuation inspections and considers the advantages and disadvantages of various inspection types, including traditional physical inspections and technology-based virtual assessments.